Missions and Ministry

 'The knowledge of the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth
as the water covers the sea.' 
-Habakkuk 2:14

 Over the past several year, God has formed my heart toward the under resourced and hurting around the earth. I will serve the 'least of these' until the day the Lord calls me home, for the purpose of the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord covering the whole earth.

Missions Bio: Listed below are some of the missions work that I have been involved in over the past few years. Click on the links below for more information on the trips.

Missions work
-Birmingham, England. 2005
-New Orleans, Louisiana. 2005 
-Kaluga, Russia. 2006
-Cairns, Australia. 2008. 
-Capetown, South Africa. 2009.
-Leichester, England. 2011.
-Tirana, Albania. 2011

-His House Children's Home - An emergency shelter for abused and neglected children in Miami, Fl. 2006 - 2008. http://www.hhch.org/

-Caring for Miami- Director of a center purposed to transition folks out of homelessness. Miami, Fl. 2008 - 2011. http://www.caringformiami.org/

-Light International - Full time missions and ministry. Ft Lauderdale, Fl. 2011 - Present. http://www.lightinternational.org/